November 6th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092
Speaker: Beidi Chen (COMP)
Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here.
This talk will be in two parts:
1) The mechanisms behind human visual systems and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are vastly different. Hence, it is expected that they have different notions of ambiguity or hardness. In this work, we make a surprising discovery: there exists a (nearly) universal score function for CNNs whose correlation with human visual hardness is statistically significant. We term this function as angular visual hardness (AVH) and in a CNN, it is given by the normalized angular distance between a feature embedding and the classifier weights of the corresponding target category. We conduct an in-depth scientific study. We observe that CNN models with the highest accuracy also have the best AVH scores. This agrees with an earlier finding that state-of-art models tend to improve on classification of harder training examples. We find that AVH displays interesting dynamics during training: it quickly reaches a plateau even though the training loss keeps improving. This suggests the need for designing better loss functions that can target harder examples more effectively. Finally, we empirically show significant improvement in performance by using AVH as a measure of hardness in self-training tasks.
2) Entity resolution identifies and removes duplicate entities in large, noisy databases and has grown in both usage and new developments as a result of increased data availability. Nevertheless, entity resolution has tradeoffs regarding assumptions of the data generation process, error rates, and computational scalability that make it a difficult task for real applications. In this work, we focus on a related problem of unique entity estimation, which is the task of estimating the unique number of entities and associated standard errors in a data set with duplicate entities. Unique entity estimation shares many fundamental challenges of entity resolution, namely, that the computational cost of all-to-all entity comparisons is intractable for large databases. To circumvent this computational barrier, we propose an efficient (near-linear time) estimation algorithm based on locality sensitive hashing. Our estimator, under realistic assumptions, is unbiased and has provably low variance compared to existing random sampling based approaches. In addition, we empirically show its superiority over the state-of-the-art estimators on three real applications. The motivation for our work is to derive an accurate estimate of the documented, identifiable deaths in the ongoing Syrian conflict. Our methodology, when applied to the Syrian data set, provides an estimate of 191, 874 ± 1772 documented, identifiable deaths, which is very close to the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG) estimate of 191,369. Our work provides an example of challenges and efforts involved in solving a real, noisy challenging problem where modeling assumptions may not hold.