Category Archives: Uncategorized
Can data analytics predict and prevent the onset of seizures in epileptic patients?
October 30th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Behnaam Aazhang (ELEC) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: A fundamental research objective in neuro-engineering is to understand the ways in which functionalities of the brain … Continue reading
Optimizing Tensor Network Contraction
October 23rd, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Jeffrey Dudek (COMP) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: Significant time, effort, and funding has been poured into algorithmic and hardware optimizations for machine learning, especially … Continue reading
Phylogenetic Inference in the Post-genomic Era: Statistical Inference for Tree- and DAG-based Generative Models
October 16th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Luay Nakhleh (COMP) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: Phylogenetic inference is mostly about estimating evolutionary histories from molecular sequence data. An evolutionary history is a … Continue reading
Machine Learning & Computational Vision Sensors
October 9th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Vivek Boominathan (ELEC) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: Traditional imaging devices capture a photograph, which is then processed through machine learning algorithms to arrive at … Continue reading
Noise robustness in DNNs and leveraging inductive bias for learning without explicit human annotations
October 2nd, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Fatih Furkan Yilmaz (STAT) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: Classification problems today are typically solved by first collecting examples along with candidate labels, second obtaining … Continue reading
Prediction Models for Integer and Count Data
September 25th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Daniel Kowal (STAT) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: A challenging scenario for prediction and inference occurs when the outcome variables are integer-valued, such as counts, … Continue reading
Leveraging structure in cancer imaging data to predict clinical outcomes
September 18th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Souptik Barua (ELEC) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: Immunotherapy and radiation therapy are two of the most prominent strategies used to treat cancer. While both … Continue reading
Strong mixed-integer programming formulations for trained neural networks
September 11th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Joey Huchette (CAAM) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: We present mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulations for high-dimensional piecewise linear functions that correspond to trained neural networks. … Continue reading
Data Integration: Data-Driven Discovery from Diverse Data Sources
September 4th, 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm in DCH 3092 Speaker: Genevera Allen (ECE) Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here. Abstract: Data integration, or the strategic analysis of multiple sources of data simultaneously, can often lead to discoveries … Continue reading