Intelligent Visceral Machines

February 5, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm in DCH 3092
Speaker: Daniel McDuff and Mary Czerwinski (Microsoft Research)

Please indicate interest, especially if you want lunch, here.


Machine learning and AI present many opportunities for building more natural user interfaces. This presentation will cover examples of state-of-the-art human sensing and synthesis algorithms that can be used to create computer systems that adapt to users’ physiological states, expressions and style. It will address how these techniques can be used in end-to-end embodied conversational agents, what applications these might have in enhancing human productivity and well-being and give examples of challenges that exist in creating complex multimodal systems. Finally, these technologies present opportunities to create more intelligent machines; however, they also raise questions about the ethics of designing systems that measure and leverage highly personal data. The talk will contain proposals for design principals to help address these questions.


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